Alone [Stray Dog RP]
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Raven lifted her nose to detect the smell of food. Chicken. She smelled chicken. Quietly whimpering in delight, Raven nudged the plastic bag and tore at it with her teeth. It was a few days old, but it was food. Food was good. Raven lifted her head to watch the cars passing by. One of them stopped, and three people got out. One of them, a little girl, pointed at Raven. "She's lost! Can we take her home? Please?" Raven tensed. "I don't see why not." the woman replied, and picked Raven up, tossing her rather carelessly in the back seat. Raven whimpered and pawed at the seat, her claws ripping it. The movement of the car jolted Raven and threw her off balance. A house came into view, and the people got out. When they entered, Raven could smell another dog. Who was it? Form: Dog's name: Breed: Age: (Doesn't have to be their actual age) Picture/Description: Example: Dog's name: Raven's Blood (Raven) Breed: German Shepherd Age: (Doesn't have to be their actual age) 2 months Picture/Description:

01-15-2011 at 8:16 PM
(Can I join?)<br /><br />Form:<br />Dog's name:Freddy<br />Breed:German Shepherd<br />Age:4 Picture/Description:Is in my kennel<br /><br />

12-27-2010 at 12:07 AM
Form: Dog's name: Ruby Breed:German Shepherd Age: 1 year(Doesn't have to be their actual age) Picture/Description:On my kennel, except aka Chaleasa.I was sitting on the couch, when a new dog came. I ran up, greeting her.
edit history
2010-12-26 16:08:08 by #6402

08-3-2010 at 2:15 AM
Dog's name: Jaws<br />Breed: Wirey Fox Terrier<br />Age: Somewhat young<br />Picture/Description:<br /><br /><br />Jaws hid in the short grass right outside the house that smelled of dogs. He kept a close watch especially on the new puppy. She smelled of dirt and grime. Jaws padded over to the door after the people went inside, and took a sniff of the newcomer. Even though he was young, he was the smartest puppy of the litter, unlatching the hook of the dog fence, and wandering away from his mother and siblings. He learned the ways of the strays in a short amount of time, and has been following this family for a week, snatching their garbage at night, and sleeping in their empty fish pond at night. After he took a whiff of the female, he decided to take a large, and quite dangerous step in his life. Get adopted.

07-18-2010 at 2:47 PM
((Is there enough room for me to join in also?))<br /><br />Dog's name: Ganymede<br />Breed: Australian Shepard<br />Age: 1 year<br />Picture/Description: He's in my kennel.<br /><br /><br />Dog's name: King<br />Breed: Corgi<br />Age: 5 years<br />Picture/Description: Also in my kennel.<br /><br /><br />King smelled the other dog in the house before he heard it. Ganymede didn't even notice her at all, he was far too busy rolling on one of the beds. The leader of the two, that being King, nipped at the larger dog's tail to get his attention.<br /><br />"Ouch! What," Ganymede yelped. Despite being the bigger dog he was always getting bullied around by King.<br /><br />"There's someone here," King hissed. He knew there was at least one other dog in the house, but the mansion was big enough that he could give them a wide berth. The corgi only allowed Ganymede to follow him around due to the fact that the overgrown wuss wouldn't leave him alone.<br /><br />"So, wanna go say hi?" The Aussie hopped off of the bed, jumping over King in the process, and trotted downstairs. King followed close by his heels and nagged him a bit for being so impulsive. The pair traveled through a series of hallways and into the lobby.<br /><br />"Hi, I'm Gany," Ganymede often shortened his name. "And this is-"<br /><br />"I'm capable of introducing myself," King cut him off as he finally caught up. "I am King, and this is my house. Rule number one, stay off of my couch, rule number two don't touch my food bowl, rule num-"<br /><br />"Uh, he's just a little cranky," Ganymede interrupted. "Just ignore what he says, he's old, a little senile I think" the younger dog whispered to the two others.<br /><br />"I am not old!" the smaller dog gave an in-dignified yip.
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2010-07-18 07:50:16 by #4739

07-12-2010 at 7:16 AM
"I was found too," Xrahdes replied, putting her head down. <br />She looked back up and just had to ask:<br />"Where did you get your name from? It seems like a pretty name, and you look to old to be with your parents."<br />Xrahdes sniffed, and smelt a strong powdery scent. She hoped Raven was not going to be bathed.<br />She was sure the dog would really despise it.
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2010-07-12 00:16:29 by #4394

07-11-2010 at 8:02 PM
Raven shrugged. <br />"I... was found. I didn't want to come here, though. I was getting along just fine."<br />Raven sighed as she thought of the chicken. It had smelled good.<br />"So, why are you here?" Raven asked.

07-11-2010 at 7:38 AM
The dog she saw infront of her was quite a normal looking dog, She thought the humans would've bought some prestige, small yappy dog, but no.<br />She also seemed slightly scruffy, so they must've gotten her off the street like they did with Xrahdes.<br />"My name is Xrahdes," She replied.<br />"How did you get here?" Xrahdes asked, trying to make conversation.<br />

07-11-2010 at 1:46 AM
(Sure. ^^)<br /><br />Raven looked at the new dog. The humans had gone over to a loud machine that they put large pieces of cloth in. <br />"Hello," Raven said, not exactly knowing what to say. "My name is Raven. What's yours?"

07-10-2010 at 4:26 AM
((May I join?))<br /><br />Form: <br />Dog's name: Xrahdes (but to the humans, Fluffy)<br />Breed: Australian Shepard<br />Age: 2 months

Picture/Description: If you look in my kennel, she'll be there.<br /><br />When the sound of the front door opening rang in Xrahdes' ears, she jumped up and sniffed deeply. <br />She could smell dog. A mangy, scruffy dog, but a dog nonetheless.<br />'I can finally get some company here!' She thought.<br />Xrahdus had been stuck here for the past 2 days, and had hated it, for she was a dog meant to be outside. This family wanted an inside dog.

Her big body stuck out horribly with all the suave furniture, and the family, noticing this, had tried to give her a bath.<br />It was terrible, all the water and foaming pink liquid, Xrahdes yowled and yipped until the torture was over and done with.<br />Relishing the arrival of a new playmate, Xrahdes composed herself and walked out to the front lobby.<br />
edit history
2010-07-09 21:28:53 by #4394
2010-07-09 21:28:00 by #4394


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